
Donate to USSAAC Today

USSAAC is a 501(c)(3). Your contribution may be tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor. Contributions will be acknowledged. For questions about donations, please contact us at

Ways to Give

  • Give On-line

    Use the button below to make your gift today via PayPal. You may also pay by check to avoid the PayPal surcharge to have 100% of your donation go to USSAAC.

  • Give by Mail

    Mail your donation to:

    c/o 1 Surf Way #237
    Monterey, CA  93940

    Please make your check payable to “USSAAC”

  • Amazon Smile

    Purchase with purpose. Select USSAAC as your charity at and Amazon donates to USSAAC while you shop.

  • Contribute on Social Media

    Moderate a Twitter Chat, Present a Webinar, or Write an Article for SpeakUp: contact for additional information

  • Volunteer

    As a member of USSAAC, you can join a committee.

  • Spread AAC Awareness

    Here are some ideas to support USSAAC’s mission to increase awareness.