President’s message July 2022

Dear Friends:

USSAAC has many activities underway!  I hope you find this monthly correspondence of interest.

ISAAC 2023 News

I am pleased to announce the USSAAC leaders who, along with Gabriela Berlanga, will be co-chairing the ISAAC Cancun conference in 2023!   A BIG THANK YOU to USSAAC Past President Yoo Sun Chung and Disaster Relief Committee member Miriam Boesch for stepping up!  And word has it that the ISAAC 2023 Call for Papers is coming in June, so start thinking about a paper or poster proposal today.

Committee highlight:  Membership Committee

USSAAC has many active committees doing wonderful things to support people who use AAC, their families, and of course, our members.  Learn more about our committees at Committees – USSAAC and join one (or more) today.

Beth Speaker Christensen, USSAAC’s Vice President for Membership chairs the Membership Committee.  Members include Zander Bowles, Carson Covey, Priscilla Danielson, Mike Hipple, Sue Hipple, Shelley Lund, Sharon Redmon, Tina Moreno, Wendy Quach, Chris Sawka, Lori Skibbe, and Andi Townsend.  The goals of the Membership Committee are:

1. to retain and increase membership in USSAAC.
2. to encourage membership and participation of family members and persons who use AAC.
3. to increase awareness of USSAAC among organizations / agencies concerned with issues involving people with CCN.
4. to communicate the value of USSAAC membership to diverse stakeholders.
5. to assist the Board of Directors and the VP for People Who Use AAC to organize and implement activities undertaken during AAC Awareness Month (October).

Current initiatives include collaboration with the People Who Use AAC and Awareness committee (chaired by Tina Moreno)to solicit videos to post on YouTube to increase public knowledge of who we are and why YOU matter.  The Membership Committee has also made a TikTok video!

The committee is planning USSAAC’s upcoming virtual membership meeting on Monday, July 11 at 8 pm eastern.  It promises to be a lot of fun! Register today at

Will you be attending an upcoming in-person conference? Want a USSAAC badge ribbon to proudly proclaim your USSAAC membership? Email with your US mail address and we will send you one!


Our April 27, 2022 webinar, “Exploring AAC Access to Swearing, Expletives, and Slang” was a great success, with over a hundred attendees!  The recording can be found at

An invitation from UK Communication Matters reminds us that USSAAC is a chapter of ISAAC, a vibrant international organization! You are invited to participate (via Zoom) in a “study day” on the language and communication opportunities of children and young people who are learning language using aided communication, Tuesday, June 21, 2022, *10am to 4pm (registration at 9.30am)*UK time. Find out more at…/study-days/

On May 31, 2022 ISAAC presents the webinar, “Communication Access to Justice”, which describes Communication Intermediaries (Cis) used in Canada to provide the accommodations needed for individuals with communication disabilities to have equitable access to legal, police, corrections, and justice services. More information and registration at

The 2022 hurricane season begins in June.  Save the date for our webinar on June 22, 2022 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm eastern, “Maintaining Communication Access, Encouraging Disaster Preparedness”. This event features a conversation with international leaders in the area of emergency preparedness and response (Marcie Roth, CEO, World Institute on Disabilities and Shaylin Sluzalis & Germán Parodi, Co-Executive Directors, Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies) and Pam Kennedy, an AAC user and survivor of two natural disasters.  Register at  Approved for ASHA CEUs.

While your calendar is open, save July 13, 2022 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm for a USSAAC webinar on Patient-Provider Communication, “Make Them See You As A Person”, with David McNaughton, David Chapple and  USSAAC President-Elect Tracy Rackensperger.  Registration link coming soon.

Stay up-to-date on USSAAC activities and follow us on Facebook!  Like, comment, and share our posts at

One thought on “President’s message July 2022”

  1. tarhibit says:

    Thanks for sharing such a post here.

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