The following are resources to policies and laws related to AAC and basic human rights for individuals with complex communication needs. For additional information directly related to funding policies, visit our Funding page.
For an international perspective, there are two resources from the United Nations:
UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
Within the United States, the Department of Labor provides documentation on rights of people with disabilities with regards to education, technology and other topics at the following link:
ASHA, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, has a number of resources on their Practice Portal, including a list of the Roles and Responsibilities for SLPs and a summary of current state and federal laws regarding reimbursement and funding for AAC therapy and devices.
The National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities, made up of members of 8 organizations, has published a number of useful documents, including the Communication Bill of Rights PDF which are archived at the following link:
NJC Documents and Position Statements