Assistive Technology Makers' Fair, Concord, New Hampshire 8am-4:30pm ET https://iod.unh.edu/atmakers
Assistive Technology Makers' Fair, Concord, New Hampshire 8am-4:30pm ET https://iod.unh.edu/atmakers
The foundations of AAC today are embedded within research. Empowering communication partners is critical to success when supporting individuals who have complex communication needs and rely on AAC strategies, techniques, applications, and devices throughout their day. A brief historical perspective will be presented prior to delving into practical ideas and strategies. Video excerpts will illustrate…
This session will provide school system personnel, therapists, and families with strategies to support students using AAC in living fully inclusive lives post-graduation. Options ranging from supported to independent living, from inclusive post-secondary education (ISPE) to college degree programs, and from supported to customized employment, will be discussed. Additionally, this session will engage participants to…
Regular monthly meeting
Join Some of the Most Influential People in Assistive Technology Community.
USSAAC, the US Society for AAC, is pleased to co-sponsor this pre-conference seminar. USSAAC members receive 5% off registration for this seminar.
Individuals with neuromotor impairments such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and locked insyndrome can present with a range of impairments impacting AAC intervention. To help support AACaccess, this seminar will provide an overview of non-invasive brain-computer interface (BCI)techniques for individuals with severe physical impairment, along with assessment considerations,and future directions for integrating BCI into clinical practice.
Monthly Committee Meeting.
Officers of USSAAC meet to discuss organizational business
Mental health as an area of concern and focusing schools is being recognized around the world.There is a growing understanding that emotionally healthy students are more likely to be successfulin school and in life. But what of students who require AAC?This session will raise this issue through stories shared by augmented speakers and connect this tothe newly revised Communication Bill of Rights (Brady, et al., 2016).