ISAAC has the pleasure to announce that…

….. it will be collaborating with the North American Alliance for Communication Access (NAACA) to ensure that ALL participants who attend ISAAC’s 2020 Biennial Conference have a positive experience during their stay in Cancún, Mexico.

To ensure that all participants have a positive experience at ISAAC’s upcoming ISAAC Connect event, ISAAC has provided information about its upcoming online learning events and meetings to ensure the event is accessible for people who have disabilities and who may or may not use AAC. USSAAC, as a founding partner in NAACA*, is playing a key role in this effort. Check it out! Go to

*NAACA (North American Alliance for Communication Access) partners include leaders from the United States (USSAAC’s Board), Mexico (CATIC), and Canada (Communication Disability Access Canada and ISAAC-Canada). 

NAACA exemplifies the theme of the ISAAC 2020 conference: “Communication Beyond Borders”. Communication Access for All is, therefore, a major focus. Few who work in the tourist industry are familiar with people who use AAC, and even fewer have the basic skills to communicate effectively with individuals with significant communication challenges. The NAACA partnership includes leaders from CATIC in Mexico, the USSAAC Board of Directors, and Communication Disability Access Canada (CDAC) in Canada.

NAACA team will provide relevant training in advance of the conference to expand the awareness, knowledge, and skills of staff at businesses, hotels, and restaurants in and around the Convention Centre, other conference venues, and those who provide transportation services and emergency medical and hospital services. This training will help ensure that all delegates are treated with respect, remain safe, and enjoy communication access throughout their stay.

In addition, NAACA will be working with ISAAC’s 2020 Accessibility Subcommittee to address communication access issues during the conference.

ISAAC tiene el placer de anunciar que..

….. colaborará con la Alianza Norte Americana para el Acceso a la Comunicación (NAACA) por sus siglas en inglés, para asegurar que TODOS los participantes que atiendan el Congreso de ISAAC 2020 tengan una experiencia positive durante su estadía en Cancún, México.

NAACA ejemplifica la temática del congreso: “Comunicación Sin Fronteras”. Por lo tanto, el Acceso a la Comunicación para TODOS es, por tanto, una prioridad. Pocos de los que trabajan en la industria del turismo están familiarizados con personas que usan CAA, y son menos aún los que cuentan con las habilidades básicas para comunicarse eficientemente con individuas que presentan dificultades severas de comunicación.

La alianza de NAACA incluye a líderes de CATIC en México, de la mesa directive de USSAAC en Estados Unidos, y de Communication Disability Access Canada (CDAC) en Canadá. El equipo de NAACA ofrecerá capacitación relevante de manera previa al congreso, para generar la conciencia, conocimiento y habilidades necesarias en negocios, hoteles y restaurantes dentro y alrededor del Centro de Convenciones, otras sedes del congreso, así como a aquellos que ofrecen servicios de transporte, emergencia y médicos. Esta capacitación promoverá que todos los delegados sean tratados con respeto y disfruten del acceso a la comunicación durante su estancia.

Asimismo, NAACA trabajará de la mano con el subcomité de accesibilidad de ISAAC 2020 para manejar aspectos de acceso a la comunicación durante el congreso.


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There’s a broad range of strategies and devices that individuals may use for communication if their speech isn’t functional.

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