Disaster Relief

General Resources for People with Disabilities

  • FEMA: https://training.fema.gov/emi.aspx The Emergency Management Institute supports the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA’s goals by improving the competencies of the U.S. officials in Emergency Management at all levels of government to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the potential effects of all types of disasters and emergencies on the American people. This link leads to information on a range of programs and training opportunities. 
  • National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD): https://www.nvoad.org/ NVOAD is an association of organizations that mitigate and alleviate the impact of disasters, provides a forum promoting cooperation, communication, coordination and collaboration; and fosters more effective delivery of services to communities affected by disaster. This page gives information on the organization, how to help, and about member organizations
  • FCC Emergency Communications Fact Sheet. Emergency Communications Guide Collecting and sharing crucial information during a disaster.
  • The Partnership for inclusive Disaster Strategies (PiDS). Disaster Strategies. Inclusive disaster planning and emergency preparedness for people with disabilities and others who also have access and functional needs (older adults, people with limited English proficiency or low literacy, people with temporary health conditions, pregnant women, etc.).
  • Pass it On Center.National AT Reuse Center that assists people during / after a disaster to gain access to lost/damaged durable medical equipment/assistive technology
  • Portlight’s Disaster Survivors with Disabilities National Hotline (800) 626-4959. A place to go for people with disabilities involved in a disaster to go for assistance. Disaster Strategies
  • Project MEND. Provides medical equipment to people with disabilities, access and functional needs
  • Downloadable checklist: https://www.ready.gov/build-a-kit Learn how to build a disaster kit that will help you survive for at least 72 hours. There is also information on how and where to store your kit. 
  • Ready for Disaster: https://www.ready.gov/ Plan ahead for thunderstorms, flooding, power outages, severe weather, extreme heat, active shooters, and tornadoes. Learn how to get involved and make sure you are financially prepared for an emergency. 
  • Making a Go-bag: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Go-Bag This is an easy how-to guide that includes both pictures and descriptions. The guide includes what to put in a Go Bag and where to store it. 
  • Emergency Readiness Plan: https://disabilities.temple.edu/programs/eprep/docs/EmergencyPlanForm2015-07.pdf This readiness plan template includes space for medications and other health care needs, as well as information on specific ailments or disabilities. It can be customized to the person in need. There is also information and checklists related to emergency readiness. 

Resources – Local

(look for updates)

Resources for Cal E-Prep


  • Nobody Left Behind is the result of a three-year study to investigate 30 county level or equivalent emergency management sites across the United States that had experienced a recent disaster. The researchers aimed to determine the readiness of these sites to assist persons with mobility limitations during disasters.
  • Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs is a booklet from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the American Red Cross that helps people with disabilities prepare for all kinds of emergencies. It includes information on what you need to prepare for daily living, getting around, and evacuating during an emergency.
  • Effective Emergency Preparedness Planning for Employers is a website that includes resources related to workplace emergency preparedness and the needs of employees with disabilities. It includes some information on legal considerations, gathering information, and suggestions to keep in mind when developing, implementing, and maintaining a workplace emergency plan.
  • Guidance on Integrating People with Access and Functional Needs into Disaster Preparedness Planning for States and Local Governments 
  • This website will introduce and connect you to available resources and inclusive strategies for integrating the access and functional needs of at-risk individuals into emergency preparedness, response, and recovery planning at all jurisdictional levels.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Workbook: To Define, Locate, and Reach Special, Vulnerable, and At-risk Populations in an Emergency: This CDC workbook is intended to provide public health and emergency preparedness planners with better ways to communicate health and emergency information to at-risk individuals with access and functional needs, for all-hazards events, through step-by-step instructions, resources guides and templates. 

Resources for First Responders and Emergency Personnel

  • Disaster Preparedness Tips For Emergency Management Personnel. A checklist for First Responders
  • Tips for First Responders – Center on Disability Studies. Downloadable. Includes seniors, people with service animals, who are deaf/hearing impaired, blind/visually impaired, mentally ill, chemical sensitivities, cognitive impairments, infants, pregnant women, seizure disorders, brain injuries.


Resources for people who rely on AAC, family members and other members of AAC community

Information and Training Materials

General Information about specific disasters.

Before, During After. American Red Cross.

Emergency Communication Displays

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