Make Them See You as a Person: Strategies for Improving Patient-Provider Communication As Described by Adults Who Use AAC

SEMINAR DESCRIPTION: Individuals who rely on AAC frequently experience difficult interactions with healthcare providers. Individuals with complex communication needs are three times more likely to experience negative medical care events than people without complex communication needs This webinar will describe what AAC professionals can do to support people who use AAC in communicating with healthcare…

Employees First:
Employment for People Who Happen to Use AAC

SEMINAR DESCRIPTION: During this lively discussion about employment, four panelists will share their own uniqueexperiences with conducting job searches, the interview process, securing supports in the workenvironment, relationships with coworkers and, yes, communication. These presenters all use AACas their primary mode of communication and will detail the many ways they express themselveswhile working. Throughout this…

Event Series Awareness

Core vs Fringe: Aligning Vocabulary Prediction and Selection in AAC with Language Development

This webinar will aim to align core vocabulary with typical language development through
understanding when the words on seven core vocabulary lists emerge in typical language
development. Further, we will discuss strategies that SLPs typically use to predict and select
vocabulary for early symbolic communicators who use AAC. Finally, we will discuss vocabulary
prediction for early symbolic communicators who use AAC. In each of these studies, we will attempt
to describe the role of core vocabulary, align findings with language development, and discuss the
clinical implications of the findings.

AAC Info

There’s a broad range of strategies and devices that individuals may use for communication if their speech isn’t functional.

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