Closing the Gap Conference Early Bird registration ends
Register for Closing the Gap, one of the premier Assistive Technology Conference in the country. The conference takes place October 11-13, 2023.
Register for Closing the Gap, one of the premier Assistive Technology Conference in the country. The conference takes place October 11-13, 2023.
There will be an exciting silent auction at ISAAC Cancun – and new this year we are going mobile! This fun feature at our in-person conference helps raise money to…
ISAAC Pre-Conference activities with workshops, AAC Camp, and Executive and Council Meetings
ISAAC CANCÚN, the 19th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
A Silent Auction is held at each ISAAC biennial conference to raise funds for ISAAC Conference Travel Assistance Grants. This year we are going mobile! Get ready to participate in…
DESCRIPTION: Following a conversation with a firefighter in 2014, the presenters realized emergency firstresponders were not being trained for interacting with individuals who have complexcommunication needs. This session will discuss…
The Closing The Gap Conference is an annual assistive technology conference that presents an opportunity to deepen your assistive technology (AT) knowledge and strengthen your implementation strategies.
Meet other USSAAC members and get updates about the organization
This seminar will educate the target audience of adult individuals who use AAC, families, and professionals who support AAC users on the barriers to employment for people who receive SSI and SSDI and how to address those barriers. The audience will hear from an AAC user on how working has affected her SSI benefits.