Guest Author Form

Guest Authors submitting articles for the SpeakUp Blog.

  • Authors

    Please provide as much information as possible. If there are two authors, the person listed as the primary author will be the main contact person and will be listed first. If there are more than two authors, please include their information with your submitted article. Contributing guest articles is a member benefit. It is limited to USSAAC members, EXCEPT where articles are requested by invitation of a Board or Editorial Committee member.
  • If you were invited by a member of the USSAAC Board or Committee of Public Information, please indicate the person's name
  • if applicable
  • At the end of the post, we would like to share a brief bio about you (max 75 words).
    0 of 2250 max characters
  • Relationships through which you may benefit by receiving monetary or other financial benefits. If you do not have any, please indicate "None." See Author Guidelines for additional information.
  • Relationships—including personal, professional, political, institutional, religious, or other—that might make you bias. If you do not have any, please indicate "None." See Author Guidelines for additional information.

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