October is AAC Awareness Month

October is International AAC Awareness Month, however USSAAC’s AAC Awareness Committee has been busy planning all year.  The committee has developed some fabulous resources which we are pleased to share with you today.

Tracy Rackensberger, USSAAC’s Vice President, People who use AAC and their Families, will be presenting a webinar on Monday, November 5th on Transition and AAC.  This session will provide school system personnel, therapists, and families with strategies to support students using AAC in living fully inclusive lives post-graduation. Don’t miss this exciting event!  USSAAC members get free ASHA CEUs and can register before the general public for all webinars in our series including this one. Visit the USSAAC Webinar page for more information.

AAC business card reading "thank you for taking the time to talk AAC"

AAC Business Card #1

The Awareness Committee has also developed a series of three snazzy, printable AAC business cards.  You can download the templates for these to print on your own from the USSAAC AAC Awareness page.

There is also a new AAC Fact Sheet that can be downloaded and shared.

Finally, USSAAC’s popular AAC Awareness buttons with assorted slogans (don’t leave my voice in a bag; silence is not always golden; WAIT 15 seconds I can communicate; I’m worth the wait, let me

Graphics with USSAAC Catch Phrases

2017 Button Graphics with USSAAC Catch Phrases

communicate) are still available for a small donation of $2 each (minimum 12 buttons).  Donation instructions are available here; if you choose the PayPal option, just email the screen shot of your donation receipt to membership@ussaac.org with your request.  Be sure to include your US Mail address and  allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

What are YOU doing for AAC Awareness Month?  Please share your ideas with us in the comments below!


Jill E Senner, PhD


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