SpeakUp! & AACT: Thanh Diep on SGD Funding Experiences

Content authored by Thanh Diep, post edited by Deirdre Galvin-McLaughlin

About the Author

My name is Thanh Diep.  I am a Vietnamese American woman with Cerebral Palsy.  I interact with people with the assistance of my Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device called the Accent 1400.  I’m a Bridge School alumna, and attended one of the first Bridge School classrooms. I graduated from San Francisco State University in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies.  I’m a mentor to many, artist, filmmaker and writer. I’m a volunteer assistant and mentor to both the clinicians and participants at San Francisco State University Conversation Club, where future Speech Language Pathologists work with individuals who use AAC. I’m also a founding member of the Bridging Communities Through Alternative Communication (BCTAC) group. I am the co-coordinator and Treasurer for this group.  I live in San Francisco.


Thanh Diep shares all about her personal experiences as a person who uses AAC with insurance funding a new speech-generating device (SGD).


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One thought on “SpeakUp! & AACT: Thanh Diep on SGD Funding Experiences”

  1. Sarah Blackstone says:

    Thanh, this video is very encouraging and helpful. It is great that you were able to specify WHAT features you liked/wanted and what features were not important to you AND to work collaboratively with a SLP and company to address your specific needs. I wonder/worry about the degree to which other AAC users and/or family members are able to become as engaged in the process. Any thoughts

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