Decision Making in AAC Assessment
Vicki Clarke from Dynamic Therapy Associates will guide us through making determinations during AAC assessments that may seem small but potentially have big consequences.
Vicki Clarke from Dynamic Therapy Associates will guide us through making determinations during AAC assessments that may seem small but potentially have big consequences.
Ready Set Go! Bidding opens October 1 A virtual auction to fund our AAC Speaker Connection – an online directory of AAC users to match them with faculty, schools, self-advocacy…
Presenter: Lance McLemore Lance McLemore has been using AAC in one form or another since 2009. He currently uses an Accent 1000 from PRC with LAMP Words for Life. He…
About the Presenter: Janet Callahan, parent and Mechanical engineer with nearly 10 years supporting an AAC user. Novice homeschool teacher and Lakota language learner. Seminar Description: A discussion on Indigenous…
Where the Assistive Technology Community Meets to… Network, Learn, and Share The ATIA conference offers amazing value with multiple, flexible registration tiers, fees, a group discount program, and much more.…
Seminar Description: Based upon the 2020 systematic review conducted by the National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (NCAEP), AAC is a focused intervention that meets the evidence-based practice criteria…
SEMINAR DESCRIPTION: Profanity, swearing, and slang are often considered “taboo”, yet they are aspects of social communication. Research even shows that children have a repertoire of 30-40 taboo words when…
Seminar Description: As the 2022 hurricane season opens, it is time to provide critical information about disaster/emergency preparedness for people with disabilities and, especially, people with significant communication needs. This…
Time 2 Talk Therapy Services, LLC is offering a summer AAC camp for campers as an intensive language and literacy experience.
SEMINAR DESCRIPTION: Individuals who rely on AAC frequently experience difficult interactions with healthcare providers. Individuals with complex communication needs are three times more likely to experience negative medical care events…