Officer’s Meeting
Officers of USSAAC meet to discuss organizational business
Officers of USSAAC meet to discuss organizational business
Mental health as an area of concern and focusing schools is being recognized around the world.There is a growing understanding that emotionally healthy students are more likely to be successfulin school and in life. But what of students who require AAC?This session will raise this issue through stories shared by augmented speakers and connect this tothe newly revised Communication Bill of Rights (Brady, et al., 2016).
We will explore the development and use of AAC symbols across diverse languages and cultures.
The experience of developing the Arabic Tawasol open symbol set led directly to the creation of
Global Symbols with participatory approaches to localization and contextualization of symbols to
reflect community needs. All symbols, tools and training resources are published openly, resulting
in collaboration with international agencies to increase AAC usage globally.
On August 1, 2019, NY Medicaid will begin use of revised SGD guidelines. This seminar will review the changes to the required SLP evaluation, trial and report to allow the transition to the new guidelines be as smooth as possible.
All USSAAC stakeholder groups should prepare for disasters. This webinar focuses on actions/ resources key to disaster preparation, response, relief and recovery. We will highlight a family’s perspective and discuss the importance of planning, as well as staying flexible. We will also discuss long term recovery issues and the emotional toll disasters inflict on those…
Growing up in the 1980s was challenging as child with cerebral palsy. I was smart, but I couldn’t talk, so nobody heard me. This is a story about how I learned how to communicate, first with symbols then with a speech device and how it changed my life.
ATIA USSAAC Meet-up 2020 PowerPoint Slides
Discover your untapped storytelling potential and enjoy a red carpet experience at ISAAC 2020 by creating a short film for the ISAAC 2020 Short Film Festival in Cancún, México. The Short Film Festival winner will receive a one-year pre-paid membership to ISAAC for 2021 (terms and conditions apply). What? We are looking for newly created…
Throughout the current COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals are experiencing a surge of patients who may temporarily be unable to speak while also caring for patients with existing communication difficulties. This session will present current patient-provider communication barriers experienced in hospitals as well as AAC solutions to address these barriers. Emergency preparedness and communication planning tips related…